chasing the white whale.

19 02 2011

so a while ago, you might have noticed a little red box pop up on the sidebar region right over there –> this box was gently urging you to consider nominating broke207 for the portland phoenix best of 2011 poll. now, i am not a particularly competitive person by nature (unless of course we’re playing scrabble, in which case I WILL CUT YOU), but all the nominees get to go to pretty kick ass party… and i do enjoy a good time.

now, you might have noticed that the red box has magically morphed into a blue box. this is not magic, nor is it the talents of my hard working special effects team… but yesterday i found out that i actually GOT NOMINATED. i almost peed all over myself at work. sure, i put up the red box (hello, PARTY), and i threw down a facebook post about it… but i really didn’t expect anyone to actually vote for me.

now don’t worry, i’m not gonna get all faux humble on your ass or anything. i’m just really surprised, and really excited, and really grateful. so if you clicked on that box in the last few weeks, thank you. thank you a bunch.

well, i’m not gonna do that thing where i tell you that you have to vote for me, but i would really like it if you voted period. the other nominees for best blog are pretty fucking fantastic, and totally worthy of your support. you can find all of them in my blogroll also over there —-> but for the sake of ease in pointing and clicking, here they are:

strange maine

unseen portland

ophelias webb

fore front fashion

now, i think it’s tacky to vote for yourself, and since we can vote every day, i will definitely be throwing down for everyone on the list at some point because they are all incredible and deserving. however, if you want my personal recommendation as to who you should vote for, the answer has got to be FORE FRONT FASHION. their charming documentation of portland’s unique street fashion (think fruits with more flannel and beards) is enough to make a girl fall in love, but their addition of CLOSET TOURS totally blew my mind. it’s brilliant blogging, plain and simple.

so, whoever you vote for (please vote!), do it with love. this reader poll is a great way to get awesome portland blogs, businesses, artists, bartenders… the kind of serious appreciation that they deserve.



4 responses

21 02 2011
monday pickthrough- feet of fire edition. « broke 207

[…] on top of the utter awesomeness that is the phoenix best of nomination (my mom called me at work today to inform me that she had viewed the other nominees, and that i […]

22 02 2011

the wittiest and most well-written blog in P City!!!!

26 02 2011

thanks laura! that is a truly amazing compliment.

17 09 2012
i’m podcast famous! also, i’m an asshole. « broke 207

[…] (my blogiversary is on the 23 if anyone wants to get wasted on cheap champagne with me), i’ve gotten nominated for stuff, got to speak at stuff, guest posted on a whole mess of wonderful bogs, and met a shitload of […]

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